Friday, 19 December 2008

The 5 Pillars Of Success

The 5 Pillars are really just applying some basic common sense to the evaluation process but nowadays we are confronted with so many opportunities that we need to have a sensible strategy for deciding whether or not to become involved in something, the 5 Pillars are an attempt to help you make the correct decision.

1. Choose a Company with an Established Track Record

Instead of starting from scratch and developing your own company which means you are leading with a completely unknown brand, far better to buy into an existing company which allows you to brand yourself with excellence immediately, by doing this the chances of being successful are increased massively.
An example of this could be buying a franchise with Mcdonalds, the thing with Mcdonalds is the Brand is known worldwide, people know exactly what to expect whenever they walk into any branch of Mcdonalds.

2. Timing in the Marketplace

Timing is crucial and one should look for a product or service that has not yet been launched in a particular country or is still fairly new which means in a very small space of time you can become an expert and market leader in the country of choice which again will increase your chances of success.
The pioneers in any market or industry, assuming they have a good product will always be successful so long as they have the right marketing strategy.

3. A Remarkable Product or Service

The product or service that is offered is everything and it has to be truly remarkable in every shape or form whilst giving people a massive benefit that they absolutely cant do without, that way they will be repeat customers for life or for a very long time and happy customers means constant referrals to buy the product.

4. A Serious Income Potential

It almost goes without saying that one needs to be able to make money but the process needs to be very very simple and should result in you getting paid on a repetitive basis when the original work has already been done.
The classic example of this is in producing a website that sells a digital product that people can download instantly, All the necessary work has been done and yet every time someone appears on the website and buys you will get paid every time, if this can be achieved in the simplest possible way then the likelihood for success will be greatly increased.

5. A System that is easily Duplicatable

Whatever product or service is on offer needs to be delivered in a systematic way that is both easy and practical for the consumer. You could have the best product in the market place but if you cant get it in front of your customers in the appropriate way then your competitors who figure this out will do better than you with an inferior product.
The classic example of this is the PC over the Apple Mac, most people who understand computers will admit that the Apple is by far the superior machine and yet the PC is in many many more homes across the globe than the Mac. Its not rocket science to figure out why, it all comes down to marketing, the message about the PC was delivered in a far more effective way so that is what people bought.

Written by Michael Young

Friday, 12 December 2008

MY Business Cards

Hi all
I am one of those who is particular about little things - in a good way though. I came across these business cards that are absolutely beautiful so much that I feel like keeping them all. They represent me well, These business Cards I'll love to give out anytime. You won't blame me if you see them they are gorgeous they just stand out in the crowd everyone who has recieved them have asked to know where I got them from and want to know more about what I do.

Its worked out for me I have had more people join my network through this cards. You can't forget them they are all different and some times if I have time with who ever am giving it out to I let them choose its so much fun.

I wont keep you in suspence.They are MOO Cards
Check them out you will know exactly how I feel about them. I have recieved a lot of thank you's maybe I'll have one from you too

Thursday, 27 November 2008

All In One Package

Hi all,

I found an all in one package which I think a lot of people are looking for to run their business especially if you are thinking of doing any form of business online. This package helps you with everything you need to know about building a website, hosting, marketing- optimization; it also helps direct traffic to your site.

My best feature is having traffic being drawn to my site. There is no need having a beautiful site if you have no one knocking. Most of us have heard about Click Bank, they created this system to help the thousands of people who do business online. It’s really simple to use.

Site Build it is a unique plan that offers a system of tools and outstanding training materials.
You are able to create a blog or blogs with it. Help you with keyword search. Helps you know what are people looking out for and how many other sites are using the same keywords as you.

If you need to send out newsletters, you can do that too and I can keep track of your site visitors so you have a build up of contacts.
It takes you through easy step you don’t have to know anything about computers to be able to use this software. It can help anyone, whether you are experienced or not in making money online.

As usual I did a bit of research and found out those who are making money from their blogs and site and can be considered as doing well from their website are using this. This package enlists you to search engines.
Site Build it! Have more online success stories than any other web hosting company on the internet because of its packages

I hope this helps

The Maverick Business Insider

Hi all, I received the info about the Maverick Business Insider from a friend.I spent hours trying to find out if it is worth investing on.It is quite informative and I believe will help anyone who wants to grow their business.

Most online sales are usually expensive but this guy is giving
everything he is offering for free all you have to pay here is postage
and packaging. I think what you get is good value for the postage only.

Yanik Silver from what I have read is a true entrepreneur he
has created what he is selling/offering for free from trying to meet a
need and I believe that’s what we all need to do find out what is the
need and how you can meet it or fill the space.

He went for a master mind meeting,Richard Branson also attended
and this business is what he came out with.
He is giving out a few things you need to see for yourself I have
already made my order.

I watched a video of him and I was impressed by he’s simplicity.

I would have loved to tell you everything you get but it won’t be fun.

Check out The Mavwerick Business Insider.

More info when my pack arrives.

I hope this helps.

Domain Names

We are at the stage where so many business names pop in our heads and names disappear as fast as you think of them. Recently a friend came up with a word that sounded very funny - Thinktivity and we laughed. About one week later he had come up with a business Idea and thought he's new created word would make a good business name. He checked, it was bought and it wasn't me.

You could buy good business names and sell them later. They don't cost much.
1 and 1 is a webhosting company , they are at the moment doing very good deals on domain names cheaper than most of hosting company. I did a little research.

Remember as soon as a name comes to mind. Buy it.

I hope this helps.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

A Fresh Start

Hi all am back. Its been a while and you'll notice that there has been some changes, well a lot of changes on the blog. The fun has just began.

The name of the blog if you noticed has changed from Fine Pearls Intl to The BOD - The Business Online Directory this is to reflex the new community that has just been created . was developed with a real passion and flair for building and giving support to budding business, It will help to connect entrepreneurs around the globe with the help of you and I.
This Business Online Directory was created on October 23rd 2008. It presently has 403 members as at 26/11/08 on its facebook page and 46 members on its Ning page. Big difference eh!. I need to give the Ning page a push. Anyway its growing by the day please invite your friends to join.

I will be using this blog for the purpose of which it was originally created which is to post tips to grow and support business.

Its a fresh start and I intend to get better at blogging. To ensure this happens I joined a bloggers meet up group , my first meeting was quite an eye opener.

I encourage you to join any group that will help you get better at what you do.

Its 00.45am Londond time and time to lay my head down.