Friday, 20 February 2009

Small Business Advertising – Optimizing ROI

When you say 'small business advertising', all you hear is 'small'. In your mind, a picture is inadvertently created: low finances, low profits, and low business levels. It need not be this way, however. Agreed that when you speak about small business, the budget for advertising would be minimal, but that does not mean in any way that the profits too would be small.

Quality Vs Quantity Always Counts

When you have a small budget you are often tempted (and advised) to use free advertising boards, forums and other low or no cost methods. My advice here is that you avoid these methods like the plague. Rather, use this money to hire someone to write a few dynamite articles about your business. The articles should be no less than 300 words and no longer than 500. They should be written in a friendly, yet expert tone geared to hold the reader's attention from beginning to the end.

Now, take these articles and submit them on various ezines and free article directories with a three-four line resource box where you give reference to your business. This is an inexpensive method, which could explode the traffic to your business almost overnight.

Viral marketing is another exceptional method of marketing, which costs virtually next-to-nothing. Here all you have to do is create an email, e-book, or something similar, which is qualitative, and of interest to the market segment your business targets. Now send this material to your existing email list and watch your business grow exponentially. What happens is that when a person receives your email and finds it good and useful he or she would like to send it to their friends, relatives, and colleagues so they could also benefit from it. As the email is passed on, the message about your business also goes along. The result would be a boom in business.

As you can see, small business advertising can be done well even on low budgets. So, never ever settle for any less.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Coaching For Small Business – Getting More From Your Life

Coaching for small business is relatively new concept. This is a service born out of a need for a periodic review without any strings or pressure for immediate action. This exercise works like radar – it tells you where you are at present and what your projected trajectory is while helping you introspect whether or not this was what you wanted.

The Tools For Success

Know, this type of coaching would not give you tools for success. It would rather help you find them, build them, identify them. In other words, the simplest way to explain it is ,think of it like sessions with a counselor who is goal driven. On the surface, your counselor seems to simply sit there and listen to your wandering thoughts; while in realty he or she is helping clearing the cobwebs from your mind and heart to enable you to get more out of your life.

Small business coaching is very similar. This is an exercise that helps you redefine your business and professional goals. What you want to achieve? How you want to achieve it ? When you want to achieve? Are you on the right path? Is your vision an achievable goal? These are the questions, which you would be able to answer with the help of coaching. It is obvious that when you would do so, you would have a high level of clarity about your business purpose and the method to achieve it.

Once you experience the benefits of this service, you would be amazed how people have managed until today without it. This is as amazing input which impacts your stress levels, success in business and relationship with inside and outside your business. It creates a new you, a more focused you, a more effective you, a self-sufficient and self-confident you.

Enough of describing: Coaching for small business. The best way to understand what it can do for you is by subscribing to at least one short course or seminar. Find out first hand whether it deserves the reputation it enjoys today. Is it really so good?

Personal/business coach

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Getting Small Business Ideas That Guarantee Success

Even without the pressure from the recession, many find that making both meet is a tough task in the present day. Fast food, fast life, consumerism, and competitive attitude have pushed people into a living-beyond-their-means mode. Many look out for small business ideas so they could add to their overall income and live the lifestyle they envisage for themselves and their families.

How To Find What Is Best For You

While you are brainstorming to find out the best option for yourself, you need to keep in mind only one thing: your inner satisfaction. This is the key to identify the right business for yourself. An excellent way to find this out without any bias from the logical side of your brain is to ask yourself this question: "what would I do, if I had all the money in the world, and work for me would mean only pleasure?"

Take out a pen and paper when you ask yourself this question and be prepared to surprise yourself with a long list of "I will die of pleasure doing this" occupations. Yes, there would be many things that you would like to do for pleasure. From among that list, identify those, which could be monetized. For example, if you love painting, this hobby could be used to create frescos on the walls of homes or create exquisite stained glass windows, and so on. If you love cooking, you could offer cooking classes or start a catering service.

The important thing is that you should be wildly passionate about what you choose to do. In the morning when you wake up, you should be rearing to go, not looking for excuses to stay in bed. There should fire in your belly to do more in whatever area you choose; you should be hungry for success, for being number one.

When you feel that you could spend your life doing that particular work, you have found one of the best small business ideas there are for you. Remember, there will always be more than one, so be ready to choose or merge them into one common ground.
Placida Acheru
Personal/Business Coach

Friday, 6 February 2009

Three Myths Exploded About Small Business Grants

Have you heard about small business grants? The present day recession has made many think seriously about launching a home business. The stumbling block in this line of thought is often lack of finance. Most small enterprises die before their second year is over due to shortage of funds. People literally "beg, borrow and even steal" to launch their business and then realize that it is quite difficult to run a business on a shoestring budget, pay back the loans and hope for a reasonable surplus.

Do you know - A Grant Is A Gift

In view of this , small business grants are comparable to manna from Heaven. A grant is usually given by the Government through schemes which are meant to promote certain businesses, professions or industrialization (and development) of a region. Most people know about these grants but do not go for it because they are stopped by certain myths.

The eligibility criteria are too strict. The truth is that there are fixed eligibility criteria; also there are for scholarships, bank loans and mortgages, job vacancies and so on. Do you stop applying because they give you fixed criteria? On the contrary, you try very hard to establish a match between their requirements and your strengths so you would be chosen as the right candidate.

Too much paper work. The truth is that when you deal with the Government, everything has to be in black-and-white. Though it can be a little tedious, the effort is comparable to that of applying for entry into a leading college, or qualifying for a major scholarship. The competition is high, and the best is selected.

The follow - you just can't be bothered. Of course, it is worth it. Whatever rate of interest you are offered you cannot match the fact that with a grant you do not need to return the money at all. The trouble you go through to get the grant is amply rewarded by the fact that you need not worry about repayment.

As you can see, small business grants are a boon for any budding entrepreneur. Go for it!
Placida Acheru
Personal/Business Coach