Wednesday, 3 February 2010

CPA, Media Buying, PPC, PLR ( This May Not Be For You)

Hello all, like the title said this may not be for you but I thought I should share it probably because I am so excited about this new information. I was at an internet master mind group over the weekend ending January and I haven’t had proper sleep from researching the information shared with us. We had several speakers but one speaker blew us away. The youngest speaker just 27, he actually just turned 27.

I think the reason he worn our hearts was the fact that he was just so plain and simple no fluffs and straight to the point. He signed online live so we could see his account and have a rough idea how much his business was generating and this was not a screen shot, it was a live log in to several account and by the time he was done with his presentation, for another 30minutes or more the organizers could not get participants to seat still for the final bit, everyone wanted to have a chat with this young man, I managed to get a photo with him and I don’t know how I managed to pull that off with everyone around him.

He was asked to share with us on list building but he said on second thought he felt it was a waste of time since we had other speakers on the topic so decide to show us how to make our business work for us online and work well. He showed us the three principles to a successful online business.

Cutting my story telling short because I could go on and on, he introduced us to a system that would help us in building our businesses with ease , he didn’t claim it’s magic like every business you need to make an effort, As this product came up on the screen, the lady by my side said “oh my God I have got this product and it’s very good, I did not know he created it” And it was recommended to her by someone she met on an internet forum.

That statement made me relaxed because even though he showed us step by step how to use this product for success he could be just another internet marketer, sorry I can be a sceptic sometimes.

If you want to have a successful business, one of the best methods is to emulate someone who has already had the kind of success you want, and copy them.
This is more or less true of any business: Why re-invent the wheel from scratch when you can follow a path to success that you know has worked before? I have made this guy my internet mentor.

Well here is your website and I wish you success. Tools from this product can be applied to any Business.

There are 11 step by step videos and around 2 hours of live footage that you have access to which reveal the exact steps you can start using today to allow you to start generating huge pay days without the need of your own website.

Sign up for his affiliate program it’s worth it. I can say I have finally got an internet mentor.

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